Looking up to Space
to protect our Planet
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ESA calls for a global zero space debris policy
Space activities have now entered fully into the global economic perspective. This can also be seen from the fact that
Asteroid Launcher, how to simulate an asteroid impact
A new interactive simulator which shows the consequences of the impact of a near-earth asteroid, Asteroid Launcher, became available a
Have you seen one or several bright streaks in the sky? Do you think you have seen the reentry of
Alla scoperta di Solar Orbiter in dieci minuti
Video by Media Inaf, with an interview to Daniel Müller, solar physicist at the European Space Agency (Esa) and project
If you wish to know more about NEO, or more specifically about NEA – asteroids whose orbits bring them close
Sorvegliati Spaziali: Daria Guidetti presents the new website
Launch video of the new website.
Video teaser of Sorvegliati Spaziali – Looking up to Space to protect our Planet.
SpaceWeather.com, where it all started
Are you keen on auroras, and want to know where and how to observe them? Would you like to know